Web, Author at Triscari

Conducting a Website Audit

How Is Your Borough Sizing Up? The very first website went live Aug.6, 1991. Now, the internet has more than 1.8 billion websites, transforming society into one that needs (and expects) speed, security, and accurate information that can be viewed on smartphones and tablets. Local governments’ websites, then, must provide residents with 24/7 access to

The Art of Storytelling

Humankind has always been fascinated with storytelling. From cave paintings, to classical novels, to bedtime stories, to the newest blockbuster film, we are narrative-obsessed beings. Telling a strong story is an art, and all good art tells a strong story. But what exactly makes for effective communication, and what mediums are available for expressing creative

Power Behind Video

Let’s face it, your potential customers can only read so much about what your company’s products and services are. More than anything, they want to see it! You need to show it to them in a way you may not have imagined before, while distancing yourself from your competition. How many times have we seen

Brand Evolving

We live in an ever-changing world. Everyone’s needs and wants change on a daily basis. It’s a known fact. But what is your business or organization doing about it? Are you providing your customers or members with what they have evolved into needing and wanting? If not, you’ll be fighting an uphill battle that will



Web Development

Video Production

Not Feeling Social?

Wether you admit it or not, we all have our “I want to talk to the world” days and the “get out of my face – I want to be alone” days. We’re human. It’s natural. In fact, if you don’t have at least one of those latter days, there just might be something wrong.


As I was diving into the idea of writing a blog, I began to narrow my focus on a few areas that I believed could be inspiring for our readers. Each time I found myself getting closer to one solid idea, my mind would begin to wander. And after this happened a few times, it